wich of these fairys do you like more? cual de estas hadas os gusta mas?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Witch / bruja


this witch hasent really got a tipe, well just thet this tipe is a bad tipe, this witch is making a potion, most witches have dark black hair and a pet, and something they cary around with them: a necklaisse, a ring, a wond, a stick, a broom, it culd be anything...

esta bruja no tiene un tipo, solo el tipo de que es una bruja mala, esta bruja esta haciendo un pocion, muxas brujas tienen pelo negro y una mascota, y una cosa que se llevan a todas partes: un collar, una anillo, una barita magica, o puede ser qualkier cosa...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Black witch!

Black witch..*
black witches can be dangerous things, they are allways hiding things and they have lots of seacressy... they don't like anything thet anoys or disturbes them... they have lots of power and they are usually dressed in black, they nearly always have a pet, it could be a black cat or a black crow ore something like that...
Bruja negra..*
brujas negras pueden ser cosas peligrosas, siempre se estan guardando cosas, y muxos secretos... no les gusta nada que les agovien o les moleste... tienen muxo poder y normalmente van vestidas de negro, casi siempre tienen una mascota, puede ser un gato negro o un pajaro o algo asi...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gothic fairy

Gothic fairy, they are fairy's dark sided and like spiders, bugs, the night, all those kind of dark stuff... they can be pretty s0metimes... but they usually have really darkeyes and pale skin, etc...
Una Hada gotica, son hadas muy oscuras y les gustan las aranyas, bichos, la noche, todo ese tipo de cosas... pueden ser guapas a bezes, pero normallmente tienen ojos muy negros y piel muy palida, etc...

Death fairy

death fairy, death fairy's aren't very nice or happy fairy's there very dark sided and sometimes scary, but this photo is not that scary... **

night fairy

night fairy.

Moon fairy..*//

moon fairy's, at night they sit on the moon to talk to it, they can give people sweet dreams too, they can fly, and they are really pretty, they youswally have long hair, and they don't really wear any clothes, but sometimes they have a plant or a flower as clothes, they only come out at night, they some times sleep on the moon, etc...
hada de luna, este tipo de hada se sienta en la luna por la noxe a hablar con el, tambien pueden dar buenos suenyos a la gente, pueden volar, y son muy wapas, y normalmente tienen el pelo muy largo, y tambien normalmente no se ponen ropa pero hay vezes qe se ponen una planta o flor para taparse, solo salen por la noxe, habezes duermen encima la luna, etc...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Night fairy

night fairy, fairys thet only come out at night, are scared too face the light of the morning...

hada de noxe, son hadas que solo salen por la noxe, tienen miedo de la luz del dia...


DarKness Fairies..*//

Darkness Fairy, these are creatures thet like the dark, they can bee tooth fairies, and also traped fairies thet have never had there own life, thet have been traped in dark cold towers...
They usually like the dark, and spiders, bugs, black clothes, ETC...